Green Tea and a Two Year Old

Green Tea and a Two Year Old

Green Tea Fun

Green Tea FunThere is nothing that I love more than establishing cool eating and exercising habits with the most important people in my life.  My kids!  My daughter craves broccoli and my son loves green tea.  Matcha Green Tea, that is.  You must whisk this tea before adding all the water and he loves helping.  The more I allow him to help, the more he likes what he eats (or drinks).  Don’t worry, Matcha doesn’t have much caffeine and the energy it produces has been described by some as calming.  Thank goodness. Because my son begs for it and goes and gets the can out of the pantry for me.  Next time you want your kids to pick up a good habit, include them in the preparation.  I am working on an article about green tea…  Look for it soon!



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